(1) ESSSR´s Cooperative Doctoral Programme on Sustainable Development Research (CDPhD-SD)
The European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR) and theInter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP) play a key role in respect of scientific publications on matters related to sustainabledevelopment. Both ESSSR and IUSDRP believe that the training of high levelPhD students is one of the essential steps in fostering the cause of sustainabledevelopment. Consistent with this thinking, ESSSR has started the “ESSSRCooperative Doctoral Programme on Sustainable Development Research”. As the title suggests, the programme is aimed at PhD students undertakingresearch on sustainable development issues, who may benefit from a cooperationwith ESSSR in respect of accessing some complementary training (e.g. seminarson research ethics, statistics, quantitative methods, etc) and contribute to ESSSR publications. By means of a “hands on approach”, the selected candidates willbecome familiar with team work and the operational aspects of scientificpublishing. Participation at the “ESSSR Cooperative Doctoral Programme onSustainable Development Research” is free of charge, but a pre-selection ofcandidates is undertaken. A pre-condition for selection, apart from a goodcommand of the English language, is that candidates are already enrolledfor a PhD at an accredited higher education institution.
Expression of Interests:
Those who may wish to be considered for the programme should send a CV withtheir full contact details, along with an expression of interest to join the “ESSSR Cooperative Doctoral Programme on Sustainable Development Research” to theESSSR team at: esssr( at )ls.haw-hamburg.de.
Upon provision of applications, further details will then be discussed with the selected candidates.
(2) MMU’s standard PhD and PhD by Published Works Programme
Implemented by ESSSR partner Manchester Metropolitan University (MMU), UK, but supervised by ESSSR professors, two possible routes towards a PhD degree exist: (a) a standard PhD programme for young researchers and (b) a dedicated programme for experienced researchers that already possess a goodtrack record of scientific publications.
•Standard PhD (alternative format: publications forming the chapters of thesis): candidates apply and are registered on the standard PhD and submit via alternateformat (publications forming the chapters of thesis). For further information, please visit https://www.mmu.ac.uk/media/mmuacuk/content/documents/research/research-degrees-regulations-page/Regulations-for-Postgraduate-Research-Degrees-PhD-final.pdf. Please note that fees will apply.
• PhD by Published Works (all works already published): candidates apply and are registered on the PhD by Published Works (all worksalready published). Fur further information, please visit https://www.mmu.ac.uk/media/mmuacuk/content/documents/research/research-degrees-regulations-page/Regulations-for-Postgraduate-Research-Degrees—PhD-by-Published-Works-final.pdf. Please note that fees will apply.