The ESSSR undertakes activities focusing on four main areas:
- Area 1: Joint training of PhD students on sustainability science, as well as post-doctoral positions and fellowships / Courses on sustainability science, especially online ones, hence furthering the digitalisation of teaching and learning
- Area 2: Project proposal and Project Management on sustainability science
- Area 3: Research publications on sustainability science
- Area 4: Scientific Events
- Area 5: Networking
All these four areas are part of the research agenda of many universities across Europe. These four key areas also address the need for integrated approaches towards sustainable development, and hence contribute to the implementation of the SDGs. The themes ESSSR focuses on, are as follows:
- Theme 1: Political, social and economic dimensions of sustainable development
- Theme 2: Environmental and technological dimensions of sustainable development
- Theme 3: Holistic approaches to sustainable development
- Theme 4: Stakeholders´ engagement in sustainable development
- Theme 5: Education for sustainable development
Other themes may be added by the Premium ESSSR members, to be agreed with by the Consortium.
ESSSR Futures
The European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR) is embarking on a major drive to foster sustainability research in Europe and around the world.