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Regular Members

In line with the principles of sustainability, ESSSR operates as a virtual organization, i.e. it entails no new building or facilities, meaning it leads to no additional costs to members. However, it requires a committed person (a permanent member of staff) with the usual office facilities, so as to allow coordination within each institution. The use of these resources will be optimized and, by means of joint initiatives, it will strengthen the profile, performance and scientific outputs of the member universities in the field of sustainable development, making the modest investment they make, a worthy one. The income streams and expected revenues are as follows:

  • Revenues from research projects member universities will apply together
  • Revenues from PhD student fees (for those universities which charge them)
  • Revenues from courses and events member universities will jointly perform

Combined, the 3 revenue streams ensure that ESSSR provides an added value to each member. Member universities are free to define their own finance and activity plans, based on their own resources.

The Consortium meets twice a year virtually to look back on past achievements and learn about new and future activities of the network, and all members are welcome to attend these meetings. Regular news messages sent by the Hamburg team inform on opportunities, e.g. partner in European research project applications, getting engaged in joint publications or taking part in sustainability events.

If your university is interested to join our network a a Regular Member, please e-mail us your short expression of interest (with full institution name, country, and e-mail address). The information you disclose in your Letter of Interest will be treated according to GDPR and HAW Hamburg’s Data Privacy Policy.

To learn about the possibility of joining as a Premium Member, please click here

With over 70 members, ESSSR is the largest network on sustainability research in Europe and will continue growing. The list and location of members across Europe can be accessed below: