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5th World Symposium on Sustainability Science and Research

26/05/2025 - 27/05/2025

Sustainability Transition and Global Citizenship in the Digital Era: Innovations in Universities

There is a world consensus that Sustainability Science  – i.e., a branch of science concerned with an integrated view of the three main dimensions of sustainable development – can contribute to realising the vision set in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. The concepts of sustainability Science and transition are deeply interconnected, with Sustainability Transition involving fundamental changes in both environmental and socio-technical systems. This transition addresses complementary aspects of achieving a sustainable and equitable future. Within this context, “Sustainable Global Citizenship”, has emerged as a crucial area of discussion, emphasising the importance of citizens’ activities under the principles of sustainable development, on both local and global scales. In the digital era, Higher Education Institutions are at the forefront of driving innovations that leverage digital technologies to promote sustainability transition and global citizenship, facilitating new ways of learning and collaborating towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Further to the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th World Symposium on Sustainability Science and Research, held in the UK (2018), Brazil (2019), online (2021), and Spain (2023) respectively, the 5th World Symposium on Sustainability Science and Research is now being prepared. The event is organised by the European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR), the International Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP) and the European North American Sustainability Research Consortium (ENASRC) in cooperation with various organisations. Universidade Aberta will host it, and the event will be held in Lisbon, Portugal, on 26th-27th May 2025.

Under the theme “Sustainability Transition and Global Citizenship in the Digital Era: Innovations in Universities”, the 5th World Symposium on Sustainability Science and Research aims to identify and disseminate ideas and experiences on how institutions are leveraging their practices and innovative digital technologies to foster sustainable transition and achieve Sustainable Global Citizenship. This symposium will serve as a platform for sharing knowledge and strategies that can enhance the role of institutions in promoting sustainability and global citizenship.

Sustainability researchers worldwide are warmly invited to attend and present their work at the Symposium: their active inputs will help to reiterate the potential of Sustainability Science and Research, showing how it may contribute to the realisation of Sustainable Global Citizenship.

Flyer of the event



The “5th World Symposium on Sustainability Science and Research” offers an opportunity for academics, researchers, practitioners – working with Sustainability Science and Research – and other interested public to meet their peers from across the world and discuss the pivotal role of institutions in driving the Sustainability Transition. This symposium aims to:

  • I.    provide a platform to discuss the role of institutions in leading sustainability transitions towards the implementation of the SDGs;
  • II.    mobilise the relevant actors (i.e. government offices and authorities, higher education institutions, enterprises, and NGOs) to deliberate on the role of innovative digital technologies in fostering sustainability efforts within institutions and the broader community.
  • III.    foster the exchange of ideas, experiences, and successful sustainability practices and projects towards achieving Sustainable Global Citizenship.

As output and long-term documentation of the event, selected papers will be published in the book “Innovations in Universities: Sustainability Transition and Global Citizenship in the Digital Era”, published by Springer Nature, one of the world’s top five scientific publishers. The book will be fully peer-reviewed and will thus officially count as high-calibre publication output for promotion and tenure purposes.

Structure of the Event


A set of presentations or posters, divided into three tracks, will be organised, dealing with the state of the art of Sustainability Science and Research today, focusing on Sustainability Transition, Global Citizenship, and Digitalization. The tracks are:

Track 1: Sustainability Transitions
Exploring how researchers are leading sustainability transitions through practices and policies, aiming to promote sustainable development within the institutions and beyond.

Track 2: Digital Era, Technologies, and Innovations for Sustainability
Exploring the transformative role of digital technologies, tools, and innovations in enhancing sustainability efforts within institutions, including smart campus solutions and e-learning tools.

Track 3: Global Citizenships and Governance for SDGs
Exploring how institutions integrate global citizenship into SDG-focused education and their activities. Exploring the critical role of global partnerships, effective governance structures, and community engagement in fostering sustainable global citizenship initiatives.



Universidade Aberta (Portugal)
Rua Almirante Barroso, nº 38, 1000-013 Lisbon
Metro station Saldanha (yellow line)

Travel and Accommodation in Lisbon


Lisbon is Portugal’s capital city, and Its airport hosts many national and international flights. Lisbon is one of Europe’s leading city destinations, and most of the activities can be found here:

Details on accommodation will be sent to registered delegates.

Important Dates


  • Deadline for submission of abstracts: 30th November 2024
  • Deadline for submission of full papers: 20th March 2025
  • Deadline for the submission of the revised papers: 20th April 2025
  • Deadline for registrations: 20th April 2025

The deadlines must be met since the conference book will be launched soon after the symposium.



The “5th World Symposium on Sustainability Science and Research” will be held from the 26th to 27th of May 2025.  The schedule is as follows:

MONDAY, 26th MAY 2025

08:00-09:00 Arrival, registration, and set-up of posters
9:00-10:00 Keynote speech and discussion
10:00-12:30 Morning | Scientific Sessions
14:00-18:00 Afternoon | Scientific Sessions
18:00-19:00- Reception | cocktail

TUESDAY, 27th MAY 2025
9:00-10:00 Keynote speech and discussion
10:00-11:30 Morning | Scientific Sessions
11:30-12:30 Workshop
14:00-14:30 Coffee Exhibition | Visit and presentation of posters
14:30-16:00 Afternoon | Scientific Sessions
16:00-17:00 Closing session

To ensure efficient use of the time, delegates are kindly asked to organise their travel in a way that allows them to arrive in the course of 25th May 2025 and travel back on or after the 27th May 2025 so that they do not miss the final session and hand over of the best papers Awards

Registration and Fees


Interested people and organisations are encouraged to register by completing the following registration form and payment:

Registrations are now open and are possible until the 20th April 2025:
–    An early-bird conference fee of €250 will be charged to registered delegates until 30th December 2024.
–    From 1st January 2025, the full fee (€300) will apply.
–    The fee for students is €100.

The fees include coffee breaks and lunches on the 26th and 27th of May 2025. Authors will also get a PDF file of the publication “Innovations in Universities: Sustainability Transition and Global Citizenship in the Digital Era” – to be published by Springer Nature – to which they have contributed.

Registration fees may be refunded in case of cancellations (with a 50% charge) until 10th April 2025. After this deadline, no refunds are possible.

Regrettably, registrations after the deadline will not be possible. Since the display space and presentation time are limited, delegates are advised to register as soon as possible.

Participants registering for the event will do so under the condition that they will cover their travel, accommodation, and incidental costs (e.g. visa fees) related to their trip to Lisbon. This is a self-funded event, and the organisers cannot pay travel or accommodation costs. Letters of invitation to enter Portugal can only be sent to bona fide registered delegates who have paid their fees and need a document to show their employers.

How to Submit an Abstract


An abstract should be up to 300 words long, describe the rationale and aims of the paper and some of its results, and be consistent with the conference theme. General descriptions of broad contexts should be avoided. The full contact details about the author(s) must be provided. Abstracts should be written in the third person, not in the first or second one (e.g., I, me, or my paper). Authors whose abstracts have been accepted will receive further details about how to submit their full papers and additional information.

Please use the following form to submit your abstract:



•    Centre for Global Studies, Universidade Aberta (CEG-UAb)
•    Hamburg University of Applied Sciences Research and Transfer Centre “Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management”
•    European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR)
•    Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme (IUSDRP)
•    European North American Sustainability Research Consortium (ENASRC)
•    World Sustainable Development Research and Transfer Centre (WSD-RTC)

International Partners


•    UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation, Man and Biosphere Programme (UNESCO-MAB)
•    UN Environment Programme (UNEP)
•    Sustainability Campus Network – Portugal
•    Sustainable Development Network Solutions (SDSN) – Portugal

Scientific Committee



  • Prof. Walter Leal (BSc, PhD, DSc, DPhil, DL, DLitt) Manchester Metropolitan University (UK) and Hamburg University of Applied Sciences (Germany)
  • Prof. Jorge Trindade, Universidade Aberta (Portugal)
  • Prof. Mahsa Mapar, Universidade Aberta (Portugal)

Scientific Members

  • Amanda Lange Salvia (Dr.), Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • Antje Disterheft (Prof), Nova University Lisbon, Portugal
  • Carla Oliveira (Prof), Universidade Aberta, Portugal
  • Joao Eustachio (Dr.), Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • Julia Seixas (Prof), Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Portugal
  • Laís Trevisan (MSc), Hamburg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
  • Maria de Fatima Alves (Prof), Universidade Aberta, Portugal
  • Paulo Morgado (Prof), Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
  • Sandra Caeiro (Prof), Universidade Aberta, Portugal

Local Scientific and Executive Committee

  • Ana Paula Martinho (Prof.), Universidade Aberta, Portugal
  • Ana Paula Fernandes (Prof.), Universidade Aberta, Portugal
  • Célia Ferreira (Prof.), Universidade Aberta, Portugal
  • David Guimarães, Universidade Aberta, Portugal
  • João Simão (Prof.), Universidade Aberta, Portugal
  • Paula Nicolau (Prof.), Universidade Aberta, Portugal
  • Pedro Pereira (Prof.). Universidade Aberta, Portugal
  • Marc Jacquinet (Prof.), Universidade Aberta, Portugal
  • Sandra Caeiro (Prof), Universidade Aberta, Portugal

Contact Point for Scientific and Strategic Cooperation and Guidance on the Publication


All questions related to scientific inputs, publication, and strategic partnerships should be sent to:

Professor Walter Leal
(BSc, PhD, DSc, DPhil, DEd, DLitt, FSB, FRGS, FLS)
HAW Hamburg (Germany) and Manchester Metropolitan University  (UK)
walter.leal2 (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de

Contact Point for Further Details and Conference Administrator


All questions related to abstracts and registrations should be sent to:

Laís Trevisan
Hamburg University of Applied Sciences
Research and Transfer Centre „Sustainable Development and Climate Change Management”
Ulmenliet 20
21033 Hamburg
lais.vieratrevisan (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de / FTZ-Events (at) haw-hamburg (dot) de 




Lisbon, Portugal