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Symposium on Climate Finance

February 27 - February 28

Opportunities in Funding Efforts Towards Decarbonisation and Climate Change Adaptation

According to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), climate finance refers to local, national or transnational financing – drawn from public, private and alternative sources of financing – that seeks to support mitigation and adaptation actions that will address climate change.

The Convention, the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement call for financial assistance from Parties with more financial resources to those that are less endowed and more vulnerable. This recognises that the contribution of countries to climate change and their capacity to prevent it and cope with its consequences vary enormously.

Climate finance is needed for mitigation, because large-scale investments are required to significantly reduce emissions. Climate finance is equally important for adaptation, as significant financial resources are needed to adapt to the adverse effects and reduce the impacts of a changing climate. Against this background and based on the need to discuss the principles of practice of climate financing, the  “Symposium on Climate Finance: Opportunies in Funding Efforts Towards Decarbonisation and Climate Change Adaptation” is being organised by the European School of Sustainability Science and Research (Germany), the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme and the UK Consortium for Sustainability Research and Liverpool John Moores University.

The Symposium is an unprecedented event, mobilising the scientific and finance community, and geared towards a topic of central important in global efforts to tackle climate change and its many impacts. It is a hybrid event, meaning that apart from on-line presentations, we will also cater for an on-line participation.

The Symposium is an unprecedented event, mobilising the scientific and finance community, and geared towards a topic of central important in global efforts to tackle climate change and its many impacts. It is a hybrid event, meaning that apart from on-line presentations, we will also cater for an on-line participation.

The Symposium aims to congregate representatives from government agencies, universities and research organisations on the one hand, but also from companies and enterprises on the other, working on matters related to climate financing.  It also aims at providing a platform for the exchange of information, paving the way for technology transfer and networking. Furthermore, the Symposium intends to provide a fertile basis upon which persons and organisations attending it, may cooperate more closely in this key area.

The Symposium will be special interest to representatives from the finance sector (e.g. banks, insurance companies), carbon intensive enterprises, researchers concerned with matters  related to climate financing, government authorities (e.g. Ministries of Environment and Finance) and individuals working on matters related to climate financing and carbon pricing. In particular,  small and medium-sized  enterprises in the carbon sector, which are not often present in international events, will have in the Symposium a good  opportunitiy to present their work, and for deep interactions with like-minded experts.

The Symposium adapts a holistic approach to climate financing. Therefore, it will also consider issues relared to carbon pricing, a matter of current relevance at present, as countries move forward to curbing greenhouse gas emissions by placing a fee on emitting and/or offering an incentive for emitting less.
The Symposium therefore shall deal with items such as:

  • Tools to foster climate financing
  • Mobilizing private capital for climate finance
  • Climate finance for developing countries
  • Assessing the benefits of climate investments
  • Climate finance and the banking sector
  • Macro-fiscal risks associated with decarbonisation
  • Methodologies/ Models to identify  and quantify/estimate fiscal impacts
  • of decarbonisation
  • Models of decarbonisation paths
  • Design of carbon pricing  systems
  • Creating a sustainable doctoral  ecosystem

The organisers are happy to consider other topics. Please contact the organising committee if you wish to discuss any additional themes.

The Symposium will offer experts from the finance sector, academia, technology and policy-making, with an opportunity to meet and discuss the wide range of approaches and methods which are currently being used –or which will be deployed in the future – in order to  tackle the many challenges associated with climate change.

As a  long-lasting documentation of their  works, the experiences from the presenters will be documented and promoted in the book “Climate Finance: Opportunies in Funding Efforts Towards Decarbonisation and Climate Change Adaptation”, to be published by Springer Nature. This is part of the World Sustainability Series,  the leading peer-reviewed book series on matters related to sustainable development. The peer-reviewed nature of the book means that contributions to them have been officially counting over the years for promotion and tenure purposes. All submitted papers will be subject to the standard peer-review procedures.

The Symposium will be held in the city of Liverpool, UK.  Liverpool is a major city and has its own airport. The event is hosted by Liverpool John Moores University. The details on the exact venue and travel information will be shared with registered delegates. As a hybrid event, we welcome inputs from colleagues physically attending the event in Liverpool, as well as from those making on-line presentations.

Expressions of interest to attend the event, initially consisting of a 200 words abstract outlining the paper and with the full contact details of the author(s) should be sent to the organising team at: info (at) iccip (dot) net

The deadline for submission of abstracts is 20th September 2023. Full papers are due by 10th January 2024.

The details will be discussed with the selected authors.

Registration and Fees

In other to offset some of the costs with the organisation of the event, a registration fee of Euro 270 (plus taxes) will be charged per delegate. The fee also includes the coffee breaks and lunches during the days of the Symposium. The details on how to register will be sent to those authors whose abstracts have been accepted.

Professor Walter Leal
HAW Hamburg  (Germany)  & Manchester Metropolitan University  (UK)
info (at) iccip (dot) net 

Dr. Scott Foster, Prof. Tony Wall, Dr. Ann Hindley
Liverpool John Moores University
prme (at) (dot) uk


February 27
February 28


Liverpool, UK; online
Liverpool, United Kingdom + Google Map

Registrations are closed for this event