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New Paper: “Perceptions of the academic community on the Performance of sustainable development initiatives in higher education.”

Dear Colleagues,

New Paper: “Perceptions of the academic community on the Performance of sustainable development initiatives in higher education.”

A team of authors at the Inter-University Sustainable Development Research Programme,, the European School of Sustainability Science and Research and the UK Consortium on Sustainability Research has undertaken a study leading to the paper “Perceptions of the academic community on the performance of sustainable development initiatives in higher education”. It has just been published in the journal “Sustainable Development”. A limited number of copies may be downloaded here:

In case of problems, please feel free to download a copy at IUSDRP´s website at: (please scroll down and click on “Sharing”).

This paper is part of the “100 papers to accelerate the implementation of the UN Sustainable Development Goals”, a worldwide movement led by HAW Hamburg (Germany) and Manchester Metropolitan University (UK), which has been influencing the literature on sustainable development in an unprecedented way.


The authors