Founded in October 2018, the European School of Sustainability Science and Research (ESSSR) has now grown to 60 members. It is thus Europe’s largest network of universities specifically focusing on research on matters related to sustainable development. Apart from coordinating various research projects in cooperation with its partners, one of which is the HORIZON 2020 project “Bioplastics Europe ” (, ESSSR is frequently leading a variety of high complex research applications. In addition, ESSSR members are currently undertaking a number of studies, whose results are regularly published in peer-reviewed journals. With its events, ESSSR reaches out also to stakeholders beyond academia, for example, via its Hamburg Sustainability Session Series (, focusing on sustainability topics of relevance to businesses.
According to ESSSR’s Manager, Franziska Wolf, ESSSR is a vibrant European network with active members dedicated to infuse sustainability thinking into higher education, research and even beyond. The Chairman of ESSSR, Professor Walter Leal, who also is Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education (, and the World Sustainability Series with Springer (, sees ESSSR as a central player in the international sustainable development research scene. ESSSR is also leading the preparation of the Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals ( which, with 17 volumes and over 2.000 authors, is the largest editorial project on sustainability ever undertaken.
Contact us to join ESSSR and/or contribute to our various activities by sending a message to our team at esssr(at)